Monday, September 22, 2008


These three words is wht i felt right now..relieve for trial is end..i have the chance to i??arghhh still thinking bout that..heeee..this the best way for me to refreshed back my memories..saya perlu banyak membaca lagi..ehhh not membaca..tue untuk form 4 bole laaa..i need more exercise..tons of it..i think:p

tadi account paper was tough..tapi i guess i had do my very damn best..soo apa yang i have to do now is just improve myself..guess what hari nieh my blog macam penuh dengan keinsafan kan??hahahaha..serious laa kne insaf..bila lagi kn..

okie i think thats all kowt..i need rest laa..penat perah otak untuk 2 minggu..ehh ghaye nk dekat siot..i can't wait..khairun sengal..ko hutang duet ghaye thn lpaz dgn akue k!! hahahaha..killer..
i think nti nak letak lagu ghaye laa dekat this blog..biar korang dapat ghase nikmat nye..


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