Thursday, September 25, 2008

trial result..fuh..stress!!!

i'm such a worst brat keyh!!!
arghhhh..bole sewel aq klo trus mcm nieh..
result trial..
sgt2 mngecewakan..its not like wht i expected..myra 4 ur info bkn ko jeh pon tkejut dgn result aq..
byk sgt stupid mistakes..knpa laaa ko bole cuai killer nadia hana bt mohd hashbollah..
sengal..super duper sengal!!!

aq akan usaha..i dun cre..i want to suceed..i really want tooo...that is one of muh m8 mama n abah bngga dgn ank mrka nieh..u guys i will try muh super duper besh keyh..i lucky jgk sbb no fail at all..tapi mostly B gred..i hve to work bsyukur keyh..cuma aq tkilan jeh..

its okie..i'm goin to be fine..
time2 mcm nie..
i really need muh sista..nabila..blk awww cpt2..i damn want u rght now..
and siti naiemah..nadia nak jerit dekat akak..khairunnisa nk sengal dgn nk gelak2 smpi skt tekak dgn ko..asalkn aq dpt lpekan kemerosotan aq nieh..
hahahahahaa...i need them..three of them..plizzzz:(

saat2 stress aq nieh..inilah tiga insan yg aq syg killer2...

muh sista yang tcinta:p

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mrka laa pnghilang stress aq..i luff them..want them..need them..rght now:(

wish me luck keyh kwn2..
ready or not..
here i come...toodles...

Monday, September 22, 2008


These three words is wht i felt right now..relieve for trial is end..i have the chance to i??arghhh still thinking bout that..heeee..this the best way for me to refreshed back my memories..saya perlu banyak membaca lagi..ehhh not membaca..tue untuk form 4 bole laaa..i need more exercise..tons of it..i think:p

tadi account paper was tough..tapi i guess i had do my very damn best..soo apa yang i have to do now is just improve myself..guess what hari nieh my blog macam penuh dengan keinsafan kan??hahahaha..serious laa kne insaf..bila lagi kn..

okie i think thats all kowt..i need rest laa..penat perah otak untuk 2 minggu..ehh ghaye nk dekat siot..i can't wait..khairun sengal..ko hutang duet ghaye thn lpaz dgn akue k!! hahahaha..killer..
i think nti nak letak lagu ghaye laa dekat this blog..biar korang dapat ghase nikmat nye..


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

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Saya sayang mereka sampai bila2..setiap dari mereka memainkan peranan penting dalam hidup umat yang bernama nadia hana bt mohd hashbollah. Terima kasih wahai umat yang bergelar kawan. Mungkin pertemuan kita tidak akan lama selepas ini tapi kalian semua akan terus disayangi oleh umat yang satu ini. Merekalah penyeri dan penyakit terhebat untuk saya. I'm seriously clueless..i love u all:D

Monday, September 8, 2008

Trial weeks burden muh brain.......

hey's been a long2 time since i post anything in my blog..i'm damn busy..guess beb..hahahahaa..nadia hana is now being a totally geek..and i kinda like it..ngeeeee...
zaman sudah berubah..dunia dah maju..ahhhh gila laaa..hahhaaa..sebenarnye trial nieh mbwtkn dri ku btmbah gila dr nrmal..i have another 4 subject to moved on wif..fuh..lega ckit..but muh brain dh makin damage..a lot of reading..gosh!!! cepat laaa spm..i can't wait to be an adult..hahahaa..

dh tlanjur posting blog nieh..i'm goin to release my depression about someone..heh umat tue..npe die cm tue..ignore me like i just a shadow..a cute one..hahhaa..kalau ikutkan hati nk jeh kena sound track bagus punya tapi pikir she sooo close to me..before this..but feel like i the only one yang jaga die's a tired situation keyh..ambik berat pasal org yg ignore kita..after thies i would not care bout u..guess u pon like being donkey kn..eeeeeiiii geram tw..

dh laa hilang mood cte psal dat person..i should just bwt2 x knal jeh..pandai2 laa nak hidup k dearie..huh..
pape pon hopefully..plizz end up this trial for me..asap..i need time to release muh stress..thanx yah kwn2 ku for ur supportive msg..before trial..heeee...tharu i..especially msg from dat dearie guy:D

till we blogging again..adiousss....